A journey of a thousand miles…

I decided to start this blog to document my journey in the cyber security world. That journey started not too long ago when I decided to go back to school and finally get my degree. WGU seemed like the perfect fit, as it allowed me to go at my own pace and on my own time. Not to mention the certifications included in the curriculum. Being a husband and father of four, it was a perfect fit for me.

I plan on using this site to create writeups for different CTF challenges and boxes that I crack from various sites, like THM and HTB. Hopefully as my skills progress this blog can serve to help other aspiring folk looking to develop their own cyber security skills.

And yes, it is not lost on me running a blog about cyber security on WordPress, somewhat notorious for being vulnerable. I hope by keeping the plugins minimal and everything updated I can avoid being hacked myself lol.

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